Call for abstract EMERGENCY RADIOLOGY 2024


Organizing periodic congresses in order to update this community, AAR also aims to protect and represent the interests of this community in front of law enforcement bodies. AAR also aims at memberships in different international organizations as well as intensive cooperation with other associations in Albania. AAR sees this cooperation reachable through joint memberships, scientific conferences, the creation of a joint journal, etc.

For the best possible realization of the purpose, it will develop and implement joint programs, and will maintain links with associations, unions, other institutions related to radiology in the Republic of Albania and abroad.


Prof. Ass. Arben Rroji


Prof. Ass. Iris Allajbeu

Vice Pressident

Dr. Ergena Begolli

General Secretary

Eugen Enesi


Fatmir Bilaj


Albana Shahini


Arben Dhima


Durim Cela


Adrian Hoti


Besian Gega


Bledi Cekrezi


Adriatik Daku


Behar Tocilla


Marjeta Tanka


Elton Cekaj


Admir Mustafa



Membership in AAR is voluntary. AAR may also have honorary members and charitable members. Members are radiology specialists who work in radiology, and anyone who feels interested and connected with the relevant field. The title "Honorary Members" are considered radiologists with outstanding contributions, on the proposal of the President and by decision of the Board of Directors.

The title "charitable members" may be given on the proposal of the President and the decision of the Board of Directors, the physical or moral persons who assist in the strengthening and development of the association by financial support, leaving or donating assets or financial assets. Members of the AAR have the right to be elected on the Board of Directors, to participate on its activity and to contribute on its development, and its reputation. Members are obliged to regularly pay the annual contribution of membership to AAR. A member of AAR is free to waive membership by notifying in writing the Board of Directors of AAR. Membership in the association is done by submitting to the Steering Board of the Albanian Armed Forces, the written request, which also states that "I accept the Statute of the Albanian Association of Radiology". Upon receipt of this request by the Governing Board, his /her name is registered in the Register of the AAR. The right to membership is neither alienated nor inherited. A member of AAR can be de-registered if it does not apply or go outside the statute of the association. Derecognition from the association is made on the proposal of the Chairman of the Board and by decision / approval of the Governing Board in the following situations:

a) commits acts that damage the association and/or its interests; b) does not pay the annual membership fee for 2 years; c) is sentenced by a final decision for a criminal offense committed intentionally; d) violation of moral and ethical norms unacceptable and considered which are considered as such by the General Assembly.
